As an enhancement of the plain text survey you can use the powerfull image gallery to add images between intro & outro text blocks.
To each of the images you can also add a title.
Very powerful is tracking observations on the boat. The observations are after Intro text blocks and gallery and before outro text blocks.
Each observation has a status (Ok, Not Ok, Flaw). Additionally you can add individual cost indication specifically to the observation.
This survey typ is specifically to track revisions of any observation. Example is if a boat is under construction and the surveyer, shipyard or owner would like to track the status and progress of each observation and especially the history.
Specifically to insurance companies the surveyor may need additional fields to properly address it to the insurance not to the boat owner. E.g. claim number etc. In insurance claim you can use all other features as in the other survey types.
On any observation you have the opportunity to add a cost indication. Also overall cost positions can be added. In die end you have a full cost estimation for your customer.
This is the combination of almost everything.