Boat Assessor App Header Background

Marine survey app redefined

Boat Assessor marine survey app. Gain time, elevate quality!

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Use Boat Assessor at day Use Boat Assessor at night
Marine survey app - Boat Assessor at day Marine survey app - Boat Assessor at night
Boat Assessor features Cubes Cubes
Boat Assessor features day Boat Assessor features night

Many great features

... and a mission:

Our mission is to ensure that by the time you step off the boat, you're all set with a ready-to-go report by using our marine survey app. Just a quick touch-up over a coffee, and you're ready to sail ahead.

Many features, just to name a few ...

Manage clients

Manage surveys

Track observations

Observation revisions

Image gallery

PDF reports

Cost calulation

Reports in different languages (EN, DE ES)

Cloud synch

Cross device


Coming next:

  • * Sea trial modul
  • * Pre-purchase survey with specific check lists
  • * Photo upload in background
Cubes Cubes Cubes Cubes
The New Way

Forget the Old Way

Enough time invested in silly procedures

No More Timevasting Procedures

You can walk over the boat, track all observations quickly. Through cloud synch we ensure that you can directly move on working on a tablet to use a keyboard and mouse. This and more with our marine survey app.

Boat Assessor cloud sync Boat Assessor cloud sync

Prices to save your valuable time

Test 2 months for free to see the value

Boat Assessor weekly subscription


Single user

Single user subscription.

Weekly cancelation.

99€ p.w. *

Boat Assessor monthly subscription


Single user

Single user subscription.

Monthly cancelation.

199€ p.m. *

Boat Assessor enterprize models


Multi user (5 to 100)

Multi user subscription.

For enterprizes

Monthly cancelation

Coming soon, please contact us

* Prices for EU/Germany. Please check your local App Store prices.

Our Partners

We simply work with the best.

We work with Boat Assessor App We work with Boat Assessor App We work with Boat Assessor App We work with Boat Assessor App
Active app users

Active users

Created reports

Survey reports generated